Klinefelter Syndrom of West Texas

My story
My story
guest book

This is my story with the Klinefelter Syndrom

Around end of 2001 I had a sperm count, and it was negative. At this time I was in the USA. After going back to Germany in Jan, 2002 I forgot about it. End of 2002 I thought about it again and tested it again. After it was negative my doctor sends me to the Endocrinology. This was a very good thing. There they made ultrasonic and some other test. This all happened already in 2003.

In April I got a letter telling me that I have the Klinefelter Syndrom and if I don’t want to come by.

Nothing more nothing less. I didn’t know what this means but I wasn’t worried at all. So I ask my sister that is a doctor what this means. After some hours she told me that it isn’t bad and where I maybe can find some others that have this.

So I went to the Deutsche Klinefelter Syndrom Vereinigung (DKSV). This is a German Klinefelter Group. I got my membership and hoped that they will tell me more.

In 2005 I moved to Cologne and wanted st start my own group. I got only minor help from the Klinefelter Group I was in. Mostly because they didn’t want anybody thinking on there own.

 But I opend a little Group there and we meet several times. I started to go to the universitys around there so that students would learn about the Klinefelter Syndrom and they would be aware about it. The DKSV copied my system and sold it as there own, but I wasn’t upset because it should help all. After some time the DKSV and I we had more and more problems. We split up after some time. I don’t like it to be controlled, and that was what they did. I still when to the universities. After some time I found out that the DKSV doesn’t give any important information to there members, so I was lucky to get out this quick.

And now I am in the USA in Texas and I hope to start here a group.

Maybe you would like to do this too.

my email is: marcus-tx@lycos.com